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Town's culture center

dátum aktualizácie: 28.10.2011 | počet zobrazení: 71 617

Town’s culture centre is a governmental organization functioning under the town hall of Humenne, and was constituted for the purpose of public benefit in the area of culture in the town of Humenne.

The organization’s re­sidence is the House of Culture, Gorkeho Street, No. 1

Next to the House of Culture is the town’s Amphit­heatre. The environment of the central walking zone and near-by historical mansion surrounded by a park gives a great opportunity for combination of visiting cultural events and museum, or just taking a walk in a pleasant atmosphere of historical park, all at one sole visit of Humenne.

Town’s Culture Centre participates in preparation and realization of all of the town’s main culture events:

  • Mayor’s ball
  • Teacher’s day
  • Events in the month of May in the amphitheatre
  • International day of children
  • folklore festival HUMENSKÝ TOLIAR
  • Culture Summer
  • Summer Fair of Humenne
  • events connected to the Memorial day of the town of Humenne
  • events connected to Celebrations of liberation of the town of Humenne
  • St. Nicholas day events
  • Christmas events of Winter Christmas Fair
  • New Years Eve events
  • Common events and programs with partnering towns (Sanok, Pereèín, Tøebíè, Mátészalka)

Outside of these large events, the town’s Culture Centre also participates in other cultural events that help the renown of Humenne to be one with long-term cultural traditions. Culture Centre participates by stage programming, organization, but also financially by supplying part of the material needs of following events:

  • Series of classical music concerts called Humenska hudobna jar (Musical Spring of Humenne) with more than 45-year long tradition.
  • The Organ Days of Humenne – Series of concerts of Organ music with the participation of foreign musicians held at the Roman Catholic Church of All Saints.
  • Fall concert series – more thank 35 years of tradition
  • Painting exhibitions and expositions housed in Culture Centre’s campus.
  • Sunday fairy-tale afternoons – interactive theatre performance for preschoolers held monthly
  • Christmas concert presenting folk traditions and arts
  • Christmas Organ concert
  • Entertainment performances, contemporary music events, theatrical and musical performances for adults, presenting well-known artists, bands, folk artists and ensembles
  • Opening premiere performances of in-house ensembles.

On the ground of the House of Culture, there is a place for self-realization of children and youth, that are organized in following ensembles.

  • ESTER – ensemble of Irish and other national dance styles
  • KALINKA – children’s folklore ensemble
  • KALINA – youth folklore ensemble
  • RIAVA – choir
  • SAMÉ UCHO – theatre ensemble

Activities in these ensembles, exceptional performances in the town of Humenne open more opportunities for their members in the form of participation in international culture exchanges into the partnering towns of Humenne, which are following: Sanok in Poland, Mátészalka or Puszta Dobos in Hungary, Pereèín in Ukraine and town of Tøebíè or Dobøíš in Czech Republic.

In the month of March, 2005 the towns Culture Centre added to its portfolio of activities the Movie Theatre FAJN. In September 2005, it was the new Gallery of Humenne, which was registered in the Registry of Museums and Galleries. Gallery of Humenne is using two different show rooms. First one of them is located on site of the Amphitheatre and the second one in the exhibition area of the House of Culture.

Events organized by the towns Culture Centre – including the Movie Theatre FAJN annually welcome more than 80 thousand visitors. 25 thousand of those are movie goers. Annually the Culture Centre organizes around 400 events, including about a 200 movie shows.

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Mesto Humenné


Kukorelliho 1501/34
066 28   Humenné
Slovenská republika

Počet návštev od 18.09.2011: 9673041
Počet návštev dnes: 9947